This privacy policy is valid for:
- The search engine at
- The documentation site at
In a nutshell: is a research and development instance of the unobtanium software. Sometimes the developer might collect very verbose logging information to find a flaws. Please assume that requests to the server — this includes the requested URL, your IP-Address, Browser version information (as your Browser reports it) and will include search queries — are logged and kept for up to two weeks if they are needed to debug an issue. In regular operation log data is automatically deleted after two days.
Data collected when you access unobtanium Services
All unobtanium services process your information for the following purposes:
- Providing the service
- Finding and correcting flaws in the service
- Understanding how the service is used in order to improve it
- Making sure the service isn't abused
Unobtanium services process the following data:
- The requested URL (may include things like seearch queries)
- Your public IP-Address (for serving the reply and kept for indentifying excessive automated requests)
- Your Browser version information (for understanding what kind of software is used to access unobtanium)
- Data resulting from your query if needed for debugging.
This data is kept as structured server logs which are deleted after 2 days, they are not analyzed automatically. If needed for debugging individual sections of those logs can be kept for up to two weeks.
Who this data is shareed with
Unobtanium doesn't share your data unless legally required to.
Data collected through the crawler
Unobtanium collects only publicly availablee information through its crawler, the crawler, aims to be well behaved and respect the Websites wishes on what should be indexed and what shouldn't, mainly through the robots.txt protocols (see for details), therefore it assumes that data it can access is available for public indexing.
The information collected from compatible documents is stored and available for the public (this is the data the search result previews are generated from).
If it has indexed something that wasn't intended for the public by accident please contact Slatian.
This data is made available to the public for searching and exploring.